Plot story: The show mostly happens in a fictitious island abroad named Uruk where a Special Forces captain played by Song Joong-Ki is teared up between keeping the peace for its country & the world, and its love relation with an army surgeon played by […]
Read more ›Do you want to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, why don’t you head off to Termeden hot springs to cool down and just relax? A spa weekend is a perfect way to discover more about Korean culture! Termeden, a […]
Read more ›Korean folk village is an open-air folk museum and international attraction in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. It is presenting the Korean traditional culture to local and foreign tourists. It is located ‘facing the water and backgrounded by mountains’ surrounded beautiful environment. Korean Folk Village: Immerse yourself in […]
Read more ›Inaugurated in March 21st, 2014 Dongdaemun Design Plaza (or DDP) is a large arts center. It is considered as a symbol of Seoul’s urban development. Dongdaemun Design Plaza the place of creation The neo-futuristic structure has been designed by the Iraqi-British architect Zaha HADID and […]
Read more ›Incheon is the second largest port city in Korea. It was the first town in Korea to begin rightly modernizing. Wolmido Island and Yeonan Pier constitute the top tourist attractions in the area. But you can also find its International airport, bridge, Songdo international city […]
Read more ›Busan Vacance~ You’ve planned to spend summer vacation in South Korea? Summer is coming along with summer break so you have to go to Busan and enjoy summer time solo, with friends or family. This article will introduce you to famous Busan’s beaches. Located on […]
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